
Fed up with Samsung!

I’m busy at work and at home. Keeping a track of what’s going on in my life is important. I go to the Gym 4 or 5 times a week & my Gym app stores my gym bookings in my phone’s calendar. So that’s handy, or at least it should be. Unfortunately, I have a […]

Grumpy Office Technology

Group emails not showing

Fixing emails not showing in Microsoft 365 group inbox in Outlook.


The Bald Truth

John Ruskin was a bit bonkers, as tales of his marriage attest, but I think this quote about cost and value is worthy…



I recently re-read On Liberty by John Stuart Mill. At least, I listened to it on Audible. It was originally published in 1859. More than a century and half later we live in a time when de-platforming is common in universities around the World. Institutions where, surely, the free exchange of ideas is essential. Mill […]


Blimey! There’s a lot to Learn …

I have some great friends from school but looking back on it the actual education was, for the most part, pretty indifferent. I love science & technology and I’m utterly absorbed by history, current affairs and all forms of general knowledge. Maths is a bit of bugger, but I’m still plugging away at beating it […]